Sensitive Flow Meter

During the meticulous calibration of our sensitive flow meters we picked up an interference. 

The research group received the prestigious Medtech4Health Innovation Award (2019) for the development of the rPAP resuscitation system. ’The project is a great example of cooperation between academic research, medtech industry and Swedish healthcare’.

Go Climate Neutral

Our largest impact on the environment is air travel. We have reduced national flights to a minimum and international flights as much as possible. The NEAR research team compensates for all air travels using Go climate neutral.

Pressure stability

One of the qualities characterizing a CPAP system is pressure stability. Pressure swings caused by the infants breathing causes a drop in pressure during inhalation and an increase in pressure during exhalation. These swings come at an effort for the infant (increased work of breathing) and increase the risk for failure on CPAP. 

The experiments below illustrate the pressure stability for the rPAP and two kinds of T-piece resuscitators. All systems are set at a CPAP of 5 cm of water and the rubber bellow simulates an infant breathing through the system. 



The rPAP exhibits an amazing pressure stability together with a user-friendly interface. 


The GE T-piece resuscitator offers a user-friendly interface but lacks in pressure stabilty. 


The Neopuff T-piece resuscitator offers a user-friendly interface but lacks in pressure stabilty. 

From our fellow research group in Sydney

Tracy MB, et al. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2018;0:F1–F6. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2018-315391

Courtesy of Tracy et al.